May 2013
Wax off - Wax on and on…
Kennel Cough
Aye, tis a Wee Breezy Tonight
Sky Cuts
Wax off - Wax on and on…
Kids worry their wits about…
who’s got it,
who want’s it?
…lighting the wick,
nurturing the flame.
parents worry bout the wax…
will it stain?
parents miss the best part of wax?

Kennel Cough
tails thumping
some are whirly-gigs
against the floor
some just wiggles - halting
then tachycardic
should you proffer your hand,
a finger to lick.
some faces vacant
too often passed
too often left
for something scruffy,
bouncy, or cute.
the wallflowers…
the plain,
left to languor
un-asked to dance.
Life at the kennel,
life at the bar,
life at the high school near you.
I send you out into the world
my sprite, my child
a little bubbling beaker of secret sauce
a vessel of ideas and dreams
a rose about to blossom,
spill its seed upon the loins of the realm.
I don’t know the fragrance
you’ll impart,
or what taste you’ll leave upon their tongue,
not the poetry…
nor the words left ringing
in their mostly closed
or craven yellow caked ears.
I send you out
filled with all I could give you.
the courage to try
the wisdom to cry
and all the love
that’s had the favor to rain upon me.
Just you, Lumen,
the brightest light I’ve ever known. |

I’ve walked the desserts of your skin
all the crooks and nannies,
the hollow vales
the treasures of the glen.
I’d walk the deserts of your skin
the foreign lands of ink
the exotic spikes
impaled in the peaks of your promised lands.
I’ve walked macadam lanes
your heart in my hand
my feet on your path
my love in your eyes.
I’d hold your world in a balance
just breaths away… caught
just - before they die upon my fingers
delicious snicks from heaven - lavender sighs.
Be the darkness in my dawn,
the velvet logic that taunts me,
your mind designing the shape of the fire.
your body ever on the verge of bliss. |

© Zedcolor Art
Aye, tis a Wee Breezy Tonight
A mischievous wind,
little blades probing,
prying each crevice,
whistling down your cracks.
great grey owls whooo-in cross the roof,
devils of the wood
bellowing through the mobs of trees
whimpers, creepy secrets
puling neath the eaves
winding through the roots
skirls from the attic
like a bagpipe moldy with mildew and rot.
I love when you
low-rise on me
to kiss the seed from your lips,
to know the cool sublime,
the tang of the lamb.
I love the salt don’t you,
the loll of its brine around the tongue?
cucumber is best that way
especially in gyros.
the Greeks always knew best.
a great clatter of leathery wing
drank the silence of the night,
lost in the chiral tar of darkness
where coral lips met the sea.
We stood as shadow
banker grey silhouettes
backlit by fire,
ready once again
to smolder
to burn.

© James Appleton
I’m walking on glass
on these coconut roads
walking on sunbeams and glass
our life a blur in the side view mirror
as I drive these coconut roads
driving over the dreams and glass
there’s blood in these sands
on these coconut roads
I lost the tourniquet on SR52
my remorse is cold
we lost too many years
in the sieve of these coconut roads.
my gums are bleeding
too much glass on these coconut roads
it’s too painful to chew on that love anymore.
Sky Cuts
Cloud hangs from the ceiling of the sky,
Stalactites of vapor,
Tub water drippings,
Grimy grey tongues
Licking all hue from the land.
The evening falls early,
A grim day’s grumble
As it squelches the light,
Its dingy wash
Draped across the line.
Yet a crease burns through,
A wrinkle of fire,
Like sharkskin bleeding
Its wounds gilt
From a crucible of butter and gold. |

Ride the sirens with me
straddle our neon scream.
Hold me in the firelight
as we pull the veil of ashes aside.
Savor the starlight
pushing their pulse upon the streets.
Ride these rainbows of Brooklyn
run your dreams through a Manhattan drain.
Ride a tube through
His Majesty’s Cross.
Push the bullet deeper, faster
through the callous dark hearts of France.
Drive me out to gulp, deeper, to gasping
to the salty meringue of your soul’s inner skin